Have you been surfing the net trying to find some information about making quilted shower curtains online? This is exactly where you will find what you are looking for. I believe this post will satisfy your desire.
I will quickly go through a few ideas that you can incorporate and some much needed information that you need to know before you start on this project.This is why I invite you to read right to the very end and you will be realise how useful this post is.
The sad reality is, that in most cases you have a certain idea or vision about how you want your bathroom to look. For example you may be thinking of purple striped shower curtain or hookless shower curtain with snap in liner {blended|accentuated|beautifully combined} with a variety of certain colours but only to find that your local bathroom store doesn’t sell them. This is where DIY comes to play.
Here are some thought starters.
If you are looking for a lighter one try to avoid adding any kind of batting.
You need to make sure it is waterproof or else why would it be a shower curtain.
I suggest you make a quilt top and then use plastic for the lining. Buy some rivets and then saw the quilt at the top to the lining.
As highlighted earlier sawing the quilt on to the lining can cause it to leak, hence my recommendation to consider sewing the quilt at the top. Unless you have other methods to minimise the leakage.
If you choose to go with the quilted top idea you would need to use a backing to hide the seams.
You can also make buttonholes across the top of the hooks instead of sewing the quilt to the plastic liner. This is good especially when cleaning trying to clean the curtain i.e. you can simply wash the liner separately.
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