Having you been surfing the web looking for information that have help you remove mold growth on your adorable brown shower curtain? Well you have come to the right place. We will help you save you lovely hookless shower curtains or any other type that you have and cannot just throw away.
The first rule that I should give you is a straight forward one – keep then dry and clean at all times. Every once in a while chuck them into the washing machine to get them cleaned up. For an RH of above 60% you will need to use a humidistat to help control the humidity.
If you decide to use a washing machine to clean them up just add some towels to help make it squeaky clean.
Inspect the ventilation of the bathroom and if it is not adequatelt ventilated try and get it fixed
Close the curtain after every bath to enable it to dry up easily .
You can buy some shower cleaners, which you can use after every bath.
Fabric is better than plastic in resisting mold growth. Liners made from cloth are superior in mold resistance and clean-ability. Other than that, fabric shower curtains are much nicer than plastic ones – in my opinion.
If you can just consider using glass doors. Although I know for a fact that these can be dangerous at times.
You can pour a glass of alcohol all over the liner to allow an even coat.
You can just make sure that you spray the curtain with water after every bath so you can remove soap scum and then leave it closed to dry.
Some people prefer to just buy an anti-mold shower curtain. These are not entirely full proof but they sure can do a good job in minimizing the build up. You can treat yourself with some brown shower curtain sets not to say these are your only options. You can find more options on different sites including Amazon.com and findshowercurtains.com to name just a few I have used.
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